Tuesday, May 02, 2006

art makes you feeeel good.

Tonight is the opening of a small art show in the gallery of the Williams Club, featuring two of my very good friends and curated by another:

Here are a couple of samples of their work, a mixed media sculpture in a series of Eliza's [left], and one of Emily's paintings [right]. (I apologize for the unruly, slightly out-of-proportion images, but that's what you get on blogger.com. It's always a crapshoot with the layout.)

I am awfully curious to see what the space looks like -- they've converted some area adjacent to the basement pub into a permanent gallery, it seems -- as I am often suspicious of the Williams Club hosting anything "modern." Heavy, wall-to-wall carpeting, dark wood-paneled walls and heavy, sliding doors do not a good art space make, and the building in midtown Manhattan reminds its visitors that not so long ago, Williams College was a male-dominated environment in which cigar smoking was probably permitted and back-slapping was commonplace.

Nonetheless, join me there, if you've got nothing else on! I'm sure I'd love to see you.


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