Wednesday, November 01, 2006

opera, kitchen tools, and departures

I went to the opera on Monday.
A friend of mine - an aspiring opera singer - had an extra ticket up in a little velvet-covered box close to the stage, up in the nosebleeds, and invited me because I expressed some interest this summer in learning about opera.

He's devised a brilliant social scheme, actually; with one pair of tickets for each of the shows this season, he mixes up the experience by inviting different friends with varying interest in opera, but with whom he would otherwise find it hard to catch up with, with only so many hours in a day.
We saw two short one-act plays, both about doomed relationships. And at the end of the second, I teared up a bit. I am a sucker for a male tenor voice. The sound is so visceral.

On Tuesday, I bought myself one of these, and felt like a grownup.

On Wednesday, I found out I was going to Brazil for ten days. And I couldn't be more grateful for the escape. (AEW, I'll owe you one for a long time to come.)

On Thursday, I had an exit interview, where I received a pamphlet called "Managing Job Loss Transitions." Brilliant excerpts include:

"Remember you are experiencing normal reactions, just like
others under similar stress. You are not going 'crazy' or having a 'nervous

well. I wish someone had told me this earlier.

"Avoid stressful situations if possible. Plan relaxing events."

Do South America's most populated city, read-aloud birthday parties and shopping count as "relaxing events"?

"Do not abuse drugs or alcohol. This can hinder and delay recovery."
Ain't that the truth.


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